Montag, 20. September 2021
Dani at Bethesda on the 7th of November 2020
Shortly after the reformation day, I got another opportunity to visit the boys of Bethesda on the 7th of November 2020. The children home is an institution of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya. Therefore, I wanted to use that opportunity to teach the children about Martin Luther by playing games.

In the morning, the KCPE candidates went for tuition, therefore, I spend the morning with the younger ones by playing some funny competition games.

When the bigger boys came back from school, he had lunch, I prepared rice and Chili-Con-Carne that is a mixture of beans and minced meat. Because of some fundraising in Germany, I was able to give each boys a brand-new uniform. The boys were very happy and excited about it.

After lunch, I now used the time to teach the children about Martin Luther and we played some funny games during the teaching.

On that day, my aim was just to enjoy our fellowship and to teach them about the founder of our church by playing lots of games.

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Dani at Bethesda on the 16th of May 2020
On the 16th of May 2020, I went again to Bethesda for a small "building Project:

For now, the children placed their washing on the top of the wired fence and some clothes got holes, because of that fence. Therefore, I came and together with Pastor Langat, I was teaching the children how to build a washing line with standers along the fence.

We also constructed two simple goals for football.

And we placed two posts for the volleyball net. Before, I gave them two footballs, one volleyball and a net before, so that the boys are now able to play properly.

Again I came with lunch: we ate rice and a stew of lentils with some sausages inside.

After lunche I taught the boys the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Parable of the Precious Pearl by using Swahili and we sang some worship songs in English and Swahili.

My aim for that day was, to teach the children some carpentry skills by building their own washing line and football goals and to give them the opportunity to spend their spare-time by enjoying playing football and volleyball.

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Gifts on the 11th of May 2020
On the 11th of May 2020; I was not able to come personally to Bethesda. But I met the Social worker called Nyakundi and asked him to bring my gifts to the boys of Bethesda.

During my last visits, I have recognized that there was a bog lack of plates, cups, spoons and further kitchen items for Bethesda and because of some funds from Germany I was able to buy such items for the children.

I also bought a simple shelf for placing those utensils.

As a "THANK YOU" I received the following song from the Bethesda boys:

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Dani at Bethesda on the 9th of May 2020
We were not able to reorganize the garden of Bethesda on the 13th of April 2020. Therefore, on the 9th of May 2020, I came again with my gardener to finish the job.

On that day, I came with some office materials.

When I came last time, I recognized that the children were very often watching TV, they did not have any games. Therefore, I created for them several card games myself like a memory game, a quartet game, a German card game called "Uno" and another one called "Elevens out".

During the time, when my gardener worked with the Bethesda gardener in the garden,

I spend my time with the boys and taught them one game after the other, so that they were able to play such games by themselves, even when I am not around.

Also, I gave pastor Langat a flash disc with a lot of Bible cartoons and Bible movies for children to enable them to watch Christian movies.

Even on that day, I cooked for the children rice and meat and there were some oranges.

After lunch, I taught them a Swahili Bible story and an English mission story.

Because I did some foundraising for Bethesda, I was not able to give each of the seven boys a metal box and several clothes: Each boy received jeans, pullovers, sweaters, T-Shirts, socks, two jackets, a belt etc.

Because the little boy was not able to play the card games, I bought for him some extra toys and a small dolly-dog.

Before we left, I went to the garden to see the changes:

Apart from the vegetables, they also planted some passion fruits.

Some seeds already terminated since our last visit:

My aim for that day was to reorganize the garden of Bethesda, so that the boys have now a variety of vegetables and some fruits. I also wanted to teach them some table card games so that they were able to play together even when I will be not around. I gave them also some Christian movies so that if they watch TV, they can also learn more about the Bible.

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Dani at Bethesda on the 13th of April 2020
Because of Corona all schools in Kenya were closed at that time. The children officers released all children who have family from the children home and only seven children remained at Bethesda.

At Easter, I wanted to make a special program for those boys. I prepared for them some special German Easter cakes and an Easter bread and coloured for them some boiled eggs like we do for the children in Germany. I prepared some chicken and chips and went to surprise the children.

I bought for the children the encyclopaedia from Standard 1 up to Standard 8 so that the children got material for their own study time.

Every boy received his own Bible and a devotional book for children and I showed them how to do their private Bible studies.

Also, I bought some groceries and hygienic articles for the boys.

Every boy received a pair of sport shoes.

Also, I gave them two footballs, a volleyball and a volley ball net.

After the children received their gifts, we enjoyed our lunch.

I came also with my gardener. We wanted to reorganize the garden of Bethesda together with Elisabeth and the Bethesda gardener.

We planted some vegetables, but we were not able to finish on that day.

Before we left, we played a German Easter game. I was hiding the coloured eggs and the children had to search for them. It was great fun.

My aim was to have a nice fellowship with the Bethesda boys. I wanted to give each boy his own private Bible and a devotional book and to teach them to do their own private devotion.

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Dani's first visit at Bethesda on the 1st of December 2018
At the weekend of the 1st of December 2018, there was the annual meeting of the former Bethesda boys. The leadership of Bethesda invited me for the Sunday Service. During that day, I was able to meet Rachel, the Swedish missionary who founded Bethesda in 2015.

During the service, some boys of Bethesda got baptized.

The teachers of Bethesda Primary School presented some songs.

The social worker called Nyakundi presented his report.

There were also several guest speakers.

Finally, some former street boys gave their testimonies. For me it was nice so hear such stories. For example, the stories of these two boys on the following picture:

The one on my left is now a worker of a music shop in Nakuru. He is also the worship leader in his church. The one on my right is attending a Bible school to become a pastor one day.

Another example, is that young man on the following picture:

He was a former street boy who never experienced any love in his life. When he was five years old, his mother left his family and run away. His father got shot as a thief. His brother still takes drugs. But his live changed through Bethesda a lot: He graduated from college and he works now at a bank in Nakuru. He married a pastor's daughter which is next to him on the picture. The couple are the youth leaders at their church.

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