Mittwoch, 13. September 2023
Free tuition for the teenagers of ELCK Teachers
When I was teaching the teens, I recognized that many of them have really big problems in school, so I promised to assist them.

During the August holidays, I offered them nine days of free tuition and from the 15th till the 25th of August 2023, every day from 9:00 h between 9 and 14 teenagers came on a daily basis to learn with me.

The teenagers were in grade 5 and from class 7 and 8 up to Form 2.

In the second week, I asked my Kiswahili teacher for assistances, and we taught two classes at the same time.

The others were doing homework on the veranda of my house.

After the tuition, I offered lunch and some stayed until 17h to play games or to watch some movies.

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Teenagers of ELCK Olesirwa meet the teenagers of ELCK Teachers
On the 11th of August 2023, I got five visitors from ELCK Olesirwa: three teenagers and two teachers. The two boys slept in my tent in front of the house.

My foster child Jepkoech shared her bedroom with the teenager girl and the two teacher slept at the place of my friend Mary.

The visitors arrived at 17 h at my place. First, I showed them my farm and their sleeping places, then we enjoyed self-made cake and juice.

Then we started our program with some songs and I taught about „God created humankind“. After that we did a quiz game. Evangelist Evans came to join us.

After the game, we had supper: rice, dengu and sausages. After eating we prayed and went to bed.

On Saturday, we had a breakfast in front of my house.

Then we went to ELCK Teachers. We fixed the two poste and started to play volleyball and football.

When evangelist Evans arrived at about 11h, we started our Biblical program.

First, we were singing some Worship songs in English and Swahili.

Then the church elder Wycliff taught the teens about “God gave us responsibilities”.

After a short interactive game, evangelist Evans spoke about the topic “We lost our fellowship with God”(Fall of Men).

After that, Wycliff asked me to teach the teenagers what we have to do to become a child of God. And ten teenagers started a new life with Jesus. All Glory to God!!!

After the two lessons, we were waiting for the lunch and we used the time to play another volleyball and football.

At about 14:30 h, we had lunch: Ugali and sukuma/ cabbage.

After lunch, Evangelist Evans did some Swahili worship songs.

Then I separated the 35 teenagers into four groups to play some competition games.

I taught them about the life of our church founder Martin Luther, then we played a game, I continued the story, we played another game and so on…

After the games, the visitors of Olesirwa presented us some of their songs.

After that, I taught lesson 4 „God made each of us special“: I used the story of Punchinello written by Max Lucado.

At about 18h, the program finished and I went home with our visitors. We had supper: rice, beans and minced meat. Then we watched a movie about „Martin Luther“.

After that, we had a very nice fellowship and we shared and shard until 23h, when we went to bed after prayer.

On Sunday morning, after breakfast in front of my house, we went back to ELCK Teachers for the service.

Evangelist Evans was in charge of the service, while I was in charge of the Sunday School.

The visitors of Olesirwa jointed my Sunday School and I gave their teachers an opportunity to sing some songs with our children.

After the Bible Lesson, I used the opportunity to teach the Sundayschool teachers how to memorize Bible verses with the children.

And I showed them several games to be used during Sunday School.

After the Sunday Service, I taught the last lessons of our weekend “God made each of us special” (Psalm 139). We were 25 teenagers.

After that, I offered lunch for the teens: Githeri.

Because there is no possibility in Olesirwa to play any ball game next to the church, we played another German ball game, and later on football.

Because the driver from Olesirwa was very late, we left the church at about 17h and went back to my place where we watched another Christian movie called „Johny“.

When the driver arrived at 18:30 h, he wanted to rest a bit, therefore I offered everybody another supper. At about 19h, our visitors left.

During the weekend, there was a very good fellowship between the teenagern from Olesirwa and Teachers.

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Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2023
First Teens Day at ELCK Teachers
On the 1st of July 2023, we celebrated the first Teens Day at ELCK Teachers. On Friday, some teenagers visited me at my home place and helped me to prepare the food.

On Saturday morning, some elder youth cleaned the church, while Evangelist Evans organized chairs, plates and cups. The Teens used the time to play football or volleyball.

The motto of this day was „God – my father“. During the morning session, we sung some English and Swahili worship songs, then I spoke about the two topics: “Is God really there?” and “How do we know that God is there?”. We were 15 teens from ELCK Teachers.

After the teaching, the teenagers played again volleyball and football while I was preparing the lunch: Turkey and rice.

Suddenly, a group of about 15 teenagers from the village came. They asked if they could join our lunch. I agreed but under the condition that they have to join our next Bible session. They agreed.

Therefore, we started the second Bible session before lunch. Again we sung some English worship songs and I spoke about the two topics: “God loves you – does he really?” and “What sort of Relationship do you have with God?” Now, we were 30 teenagers.

After the teaching, during prayer, I offered the teens to start their lives new with God. 17 Teens gave me a sign, that they have started fresh with God. All Glory to God!!!

Finally, we had our late lunch. After the food, our visitors left and the church teenagers continued to play Volleyball and football.

Three mothers helped me to boil the rice for supper and to warm the rice. They also cut the watermelon. During that time, I prepared the technique for the evening program.

After supper, we had an „Open Air Cinema“. We had invited everybody for the movie, but apart from three adults, only children, teens and youth came. After some music clips, I showed an animated Jesus movie to the 45 people who had come.

After the movie, Evangelist Evans invited the visitors to handle over their lives to Jesus. At the end of the program, everyone got a cup of tea.

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Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023
Volleyball and football at Teens Club
After I was teaching about „How do we know that the Bible is true?“, we enjoyed some games. I came with two posts, a volleyball net, a volleyball and a football and we played for almost two hours Volleyball and football.

Also some neighbour children and teenagers came and we had lots of fun.

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Teens Club on Day of Pentecost
On the 28th of May 2023, I taught about “Who wrote the Bible?”

After that, we did some cooking or baking: Kenyan pancaked, British or American donuts and German „Waffeln”.

Everybody was really enjoying the cooking and our „international food“.

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Third Teens Club on the 15th of May 2023
After the service, I was teaching the children about „How did the Bible come to be?“ But we were only seven teens. After that, we made a riddle afternoon. The teens really enjoyed the competition and we had lots of fun.

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Second Teens Club on the 7th of May 2023
On the 7th of May 2023, we were only four teens. Therefore, spontaneously I invited them to my home.

When we reached home, the number increased to nine Teenagers. I guess that they called others on the way. We watched to Christian Teen Movies and I cooked for them “Spaghetti Bolognese.” The teens enjoyed the afternoon a lot.

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First Teens Club on the 30th of April 2023
After the service and youth choir, I taught the first Teens Club. We were 16 teens. After singing some English worship songs, I was teaching about “What do you think about the Bible?” After that we played many funny games.

The teens really enjoyed the program.

Many of the teens are borders, but we decide do continue the Teens Club even during the school on a regularly basis.

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