Dienstag, 25. Juli 2023
Sunday School children enjoy games
Dani_in_Kenia, 13:47h
On Sunday, the 23rd of July 2023, at ELCK Teachers, we started to play games after the Bible Study and Worship songs. 

The children were very active playing.

We had a very nice fellowship.

The group is now growing,

because the children enjoy more and more attending Sunday school.

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New Sunday School Teachers
Dani_in_Kenia, 13:46h
Since Sunday, the 23rd of July 2023, there are two new Sunday School teachers at ELCK Teachers who are teaching the children from grade four to eight.

Julius was teaching the story about the Prodigal Son by using my Visual Aids.
After that, his brother Jared taught the memory verse.

Booth of them are Secondary pupils and sons for Evangelist Evans, who is in charge of this church.

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Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023
Junior- and Senior- Sunday School parallel to the Sunday Service
Dani_in_Kenia, 15:04h
Since the 17th of June 2023, we have a new regulation for Sunday school in our church: after some songs and the starting liturgy, Evangelist Evans is sending the children of Grade 4 to 8 for Senior Sunday School and the service continues for the younger ones and the adults. 

Instead of of two or three children, now eight children attended a regular Sunday school program with songs, Bible Lesson and games. On that Sunday, it was I to sing with the older children some songs in English and Kiswahili. Then the children played a repetition game, and I taught the new lessons and we finish with some riddles. It was the first time, when I had the full attention of the children and when all church children attended the entire Sunday school program.

During the Senior Sunday school went on, the service inside the church continued also. Before Evangelist Evans started to preach, the Senior Sunday School children went back to the service and the Junior Sunday School program started. A Kenyan teacher used my materials to teach the toddlers and younger children from Grade 1 to 3 by using Kiswahili. 

During the Junior Sunday School, the children were singing Kiswahili songs, they did some repetition of the lesson from last week and the teacher taught them the new lesson and the memory verse in simple Kiswahili. At the end of the lesson, the children coloured a picture fitting to the topic of the lesson. The Kenyan Sunday school teacher told me: “It was so nice to teach the children here in the new room, because the children did concentrate much more than before.”

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Sunday School in two age groups
Dani_in_Kenia, 14:53h
On the 15th of May 2023, it was possible for the first time to teach Sunday school in two different age groups. I was teaching the five older children, and a Kenyan teacher taught the four younger ones. 

Also on the 28th of May 2023, we were able to teach the children in two groups. But only a few children came and we had approximately only ten minutes, because the children came very late and the service started. 

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Mothers‘ Day at Sunday School
Dani_in_Kenia, 14:51h
On the 7th of May 2013, I was teaching the Sunday school children how to make a heart from paper of their mothers.

The church organised some rose flowers and at the end of the service the children gave their paper hearts and the roses to their mothers. It was the first Mothers’ Day at ELCK Teachers.

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Sunday School on the 30th of April 2023
Dani_in_Kenia, 14:46h
In the next week, the Sunday School children came at 9:40 am instead of 9:00 am. We wanted to separate the children into two different age groups. However, we were only four older children and one toodler. 

When we reached the parts of making arts, the Sunday service started. Therefore, we did the arts after the service and then we were nine older and six younger children. 

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Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2019
Sunday School at ELCK Teachers
Dani_in_Kenia, 17:38h
Sunday School at ELCK Teachers takes place from 9 am up to 10 am. Till now they have one group with around 20 children and two teachers.

During the holidays there are about 50 children. Most of the children are nursery or lower primary children.

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