Montag, 20. September 2021
Bethesda Children Home for former street boys
Dani_in_Kenia, 23:08h
The last part of "Bethesda Children Ministry" is the Bethesda Children Home for former street boys who can take care for a maximum of 25 boys in the age from 4 up to 15 years.

The toodlers go to Bethesda Nursery School.

Pupils from Standard 1 up to Standard 5 are visiting Bethesday Primary School. Children of Standard 6 to 8 are attending local primary schools at Ngata.

After the graduation of KCPE the youngsters have to leave the children home and have to stay with their relatives. From time to time, the social workers are visiting such students. Some of the children get financial support from Bethesda.

Once a year, all former boys of Bethesda are invited for a full weekend.

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