Freitag, 7. Juni 2019
Services at ELCK Mlimani
Dani_in_Kenia, 16:23h
The services at ELCK Mlimani starts at 10 am. Around 25 people are attending the services, half of them are children.

After welcoming the church, two ladies guide the church through the time of worship.

After that Evangelist Ezekiah leads the Lutheran Liturgy.

Then the chairman reads the two scripture passages for the day. After some Lutheran chorales, there is a time for testimonies where people can share their experiences with God.

After that there is a time for different presentations: First the time of the Sunday School,

then the time for the church choir.

After the presentations the chairman reads the announcements.

The Apostolic Credo follows. After some more chorales, Evangelist Ezekiah starts his preaching.

After offerings and blessing, the service ends with the Lord’s Prayer.
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