Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2023
First Teens Day at ELCK Teachers
On the 1st of July 2023, we celebrated the first Teens Day at ELCK Teachers. On Friday, some teenagers visited me at my home place and helped me to prepare the food.

On Saturday morning, some elder youth cleaned the church, while Evangelist Evans organized chairs, plates and cups. The Teens used the time to play football or volleyball.

The motto of this day was „God – my father“. During the morning session, we sung some English and Swahili worship songs, then I spoke about the two topics: “Is God really there?” and “How do we know that God is there?”. We were 15 teens from ELCK Teachers.

After the teaching, the teenagers played again volleyball and football while I was preparing the lunch: Turkey and rice.

Suddenly, a group of about 15 teenagers from the village came. They asked if they could join our lunch. I agreed but under the condition that they have to join our next Bible session. They agreed.

Therefore, we started the second Bible session before lunch. Again we sung some English worship songs and I spoke about the two topics: “God loves you – does he really?” and “What sort of Relationship do you have with God?” Now, we were 30 teenagers.

After the teaching, during prayer, I offered the teens to start their lives new with God. 17 Teens gave me a sign, that they have started fresh with God. All Glory to God!!!

Finally, we had our late lunch. After the food, our visitors left and the church teenagers continued to play Volleyball and football.

Three mothers helped me to boil the rice for supper and to warm the rice. They also cut the watermelon. During that time, I prepared the technique for the evening program.

After supper, we had an „Open Air Cinema“. We had invited everybody for the movie, but apart from three adults, only children, teens and youth came. After some music clips, I showed an animated Jesus movie to the 45 people who had come.

After the movie, Evangelist Evans invited the visitors to handle over their lives to Jesus. At the end of the program, everyone got a cup of tea.

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