Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2023
Bibles for Everyone
Because of a donation, on the 25th of June 2023, I was able to distribute 33 Bible to the people of ELCK Teachers.

Seven primary pupils got an English Good News Bible to be used at home and even in school.

Seven secondary students received an English Revised Standard Bible also to be used in school and at home.

Further, I gave out twenty Swahili Bible to the adults of the church.

I also prepared a Bible study guide for each according to their age:

Because of a second donation, on the 2nd of July 2023, I was able to distribute another 23 Bibles.

Seven further primary pupils got an English Good News Bible.

Nine further secondary students received an English Revised Standard Bible. Some were absent during the Sunday service, those received their Bibles later by Evangelist Evans.

I gave out further twenty Swahili Bible to the adults of the church. Now all church members have their own Bible.

...bereits 86 x gelesen