Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023
Junior- and Senior- Sunday School parallel to the Sunday Service
Dani_in_Kenia, 15:04h
Since the 17th of June 2023, we have a new regulation for Sunday school in our church: after some songs and the starting liturgy, Evangelist Evans is sending the children of Grade 4 to 8 for Senior Sunday School and the service continues for the younger ones and the adults. 

Instead of of two or three children, now eight children attended a regular Sunday school program with songs, Bible Lesson and games. On that Sunday, it was I to sing with the older children some songs in English and Kiswahili. Then the children played a repetition game, and I taught the new lessons and we finish with some riddles. It was the first time, when I had the full attention of the children and when all church children attended the entire Sunday school program.

During the Senior Sunday school went on, the service inside the church continued also. Before Evangelist Evans started to preach, the Senior Sunday School children went back to the service and the Junior Sunday School program started. A Kenyan teacher used my materials to teach the toddlers and younger children from Grade 1 to 3 by using Kiswahili. 

During the Junior Sunday School, the children were singing Kiswahili songs, they did some repetition of the lesson from last week and the teacher taught them the new lesson and the memory verse in simple Kiswahili. At the end of the lesson, the children coloured a picture fitting to the topic of the lesson. The Kenyan Sunday school teacher told me: “It was so nice to teach the children here in the new room, because the children did concentrate much more than before.”