Montag, 20. September 2021
Dani's first visit at Bethesda on the 1st of December 2018
Dani_in_Kenia, 23:13h
At the weekend of the 1st of December 2018, there was the annual meeting of the former Bethesda boys. The leadership of Bethesda invited me for the Sunday Service. During that day, I was able to meet Rachel, the Swedish missionary who founded Bethesda in 2015.

During the service, some boys of Bethesda got baptized.

The teachers of Bethesda Primary School presented some songs.

The social worker called Nyakundi presented his report.

There were also several guest speakers.

Finally, some former street boys gave their testimonies. For me it was nice so hear such stories. For example, the stories of these two boys on the following picture:

The one on my left is now a worker of a music shop in Nakuru. He is also the worship leader in his church. The one on my right is attending a Bible school to become a pastor one day.
Another example, is that young man on the following picture:
Another example, is that young man on the following picture:

He was a former street boy who never experienced any love in his life. When he was five years old, his mother left his family and run away. His father got shot as a thief. His brother still takes drugs. But his live changed through Bethesda a lot: He graduated from college and he works now at a bank in Nakuru. He married a pastor's daughter which is next to him on the picture. The couple are the youth leaders at their church.