Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2019
Sunday Services at ELCK Teachers
Dani_in_Kenia, 17:37h
The service at ELCK Teachers starts at 10 am and takes three hours. The attendance is about 50 people. Most of them are ladies and half of them are children.

Evangelist Evans is leading through the service. After the Lutheran Liturgy and some Lutheran Chorales there is a time of presentations.

First the praise and worship team is leading the church with some worship songs in Swahili.

After that the Sunday School children are coming in front. Now their teacher repeats with the children the Sunday School Lessons in front of the entire church. After that, the children are presenting two songs.

Then the youth of the church is singing. The youth that means all the children between 10 to 16 years. There are around 15 to 20 Teenagers.

Then the ladies of the church are presenting two songs.

Finally, Evangelist Evans is preaching and at the end of the service there are some announcements and the blessing.